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Sample Questions for SEE

1) Write an SRS for the given case study. Adhere to IEEE standards.

2) Create a WBS for the software development of the software for the following dental office:

Tom is starting a dental practice in a small town. He will have a dental assistant, a dental hygienist, and a receptionist. He wants a system to manage the appointments. When a patient calls for an appointment, the receptionist will check the calendar and will try to schedule the patient as early as possible to fill in vacancies. If the patient is happy with the proposed appointment, the receptionist will enter the appointment with the patient name and purpose of appointment. The system will verify the patient name and supply necessary details from the patient records, including the patient’s ID number. After each exam or cleaning, the hygienist or assistant will mark the appointment as completed, add comments, and then schedule the patient for the next visit if appropriate. The system will answer queries by patient name and by date. Supporting details from the patient’s records are displayed along with the appointment information. The receptionist can cancel appointments. The receptionist can print out a notification list for making reminder calls 2 days before appointments. The system includes the patient’s phone numbers from the patient records. The receptionist can also print out daily and weekly work schedules with all the patients.

3) Create a WBS for the task of painting a room.* Assume that the process model is for home work projects with activities: plan work, buy supplies, do work, clean up. Draw a PERT diagram for the tasks mentioned.


4) Draw the PERT diagram for the given set of tasks and dependencies. Complete the table showing the critical path.




















​5) Consider a project with the following modules and their respective expected sizes:​















Assuming that the complexity of the system is high, the programmer capability is low, and the application experience of the team is low, estimate the Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF). Also, calculate phasewise distribution of effort. Compare the same with the COCOMO online tool.


6) For problem 5, estimate the effort using Walston-Felix model.


7) Consider a project that involves trying to develop safety critical software on cutting edge hardware.

a) List risks and classify each as project, technical, or business and as common to all projects or special to this project.

b) Consider the risks identified in the risk identification problem. Suggest an approach for either decreasing the probability or decreasing the impact or both.

c) Develop a RMMM plan for any two risks identified.


8) Draw a data flow diagram for a simple library problem.*


9)Draw a structure chart for a hypothetical PrintJob class which has the following attributes and methods: noOfPages, noOfSides, paperType, magnification, productionFeatures, computeJobCost(), passJobtoPrinter().


10) Draw a use case diagram for a simple library system.*


11) Write a scenario for the library problem. Fred, a patron, goes to the library and checks out a book. Two months later, he brings the overdue library book back to the library. Draw a sequence diagram and an activity diagram for the same.


12) Draw a matrix showing the tracing of the requirements in the given description of the problem and design.*


13) For the given flow chart**, write a working code in a language of your choice. Adhere to coding standards.


14) Run unit test on a given class***.


15) For the classic triangle problem, identify all the subdomains and respective test cases.


16) A payroll program will calculate the weekly gross pay given an input of the number of hours worked and current wages. A worker may not work more than 80 hours per week, and the maximum wage is $50.00 per hour. Construct functional tests.


17) For the payroll program, identify the conditions and construct the test matrix.


18) A program accepts two times (in 12-hour format) and outputs the elapsed number of minutes. Construct functional tests.


19) The following pseudocode implements the elapsed time problem of problem 18 if the elapsed time is less than 24 hours. Select test cases until every-statement coverage is achieved. Select additional test cases to achieve every-branch coverage.


read hr1 min1 AmOrPm1

read hr2 min2 AmOrPm2

if (hr1 == 12)

hr1 = 0

if (hr2 == 12)

hr2 = 0

if (AmOrPm1 == pm)

hr1 = hr1 + 12

if (AmOrPm2 == pm)

hr2 = hr2 + 12

if ( min2 < min1)

min2 = min2 + 1

hr2 = hr2 – 1

if( hr2 < hr1)

hr2 = hr2 + 24

elapsed = min2 – min1 + 60* (hr2 – hr1)

print elapsed


20) Prepare a checklist of items that should be checked during code walkthrough for the given piece of code.***



*A detailed description of the case study will be given.

**Flow chart will be given.

***Code will be given.


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